In response to me posting to facebook this video

John said:

“That’s absolute bullshit Kenneth. Why would you give such ethnicism voice? Disgraceful. You do yourself exceedingly poor service. In my opinion you should take this down. Don’t even start trying defend it.”

K- *what ethnicism? there are many ethnicities involved and i am fully aware of that. see below for explanation. Hamas originated in Egypt as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic fundamentalist organization with the stated goal of working towards a global caliphate. Palestinians voted for and elected Hamas, knowing full well what they were and are about.  Iran, for example, is involved and that is Persian ethnically speaking historically though the Persians were taken over by Islamists in 1979, the Iranian revolution. See link to hamas 1988 covenant below.

John also said:

“you are confused and confusing the unschooled. Hamas built the tunnels not Palestinians. Nazi built the ovens. Not Germans.

I say take it down. It’s like saying give Trump and Steven Millar the Mike to make the anti fascist point.
Sorry Kenneth, not helpful. Putting this bullshit up to inspire discussion? Welcome to Musk and X.”
to which i respond:
” I am not confused. Palestinians want to kill Jews. They say they want to kill jews for the crime of being jews, they have killed many jews in the past and will kill, rape and kidnap as many jews as they are able into the future. They do kill Jews every opportunity they get. October 7th. Those were palestinians killing, raping, kidnapping Israelis. I do feel compassion for them because they have been indoctrinated and coerced from youth into a culture of hateful murderous prejudice that literally glorifies martyrdom and the killing of jews. It’s been going on for well over 1000 years. YOU are confused if you do not realize that John. I have been aware of it for YEARS and paying close attention to Hamas and other Islamist groups, their actions and ideology. Islamists are on so called ‘holy jihad’ in 27 countries right now, only one of which has an appreciable number of Jews. YOU are not the censor board. If you don’t like what i posted you are free to refute it with a well reasoned argument substantiated by facts or just ignore it. Did you watch the video? PS…i am not on X, i quit when Musk bought it and came out as a republican and gave a platform to neo-nazis. Do you use X? I never even liked twitter back in the day, before Musk bought it.”
“I never used Twitter and Palestinians don’t want to kill Jews. Everybody knows how dumb that is even you. “Hamas are Palestinian therefor Palestinians are Hamas.” Nazis are Germans therefor Germans are Nazis. Nazis built ovens therefor Kenneth Fersht is a furnace builder. How do you sleep?”
and then i respond below…

John Lefebvre I’m basing my conclusions on what i have observed, what is evidently and demonstrably true, over the years combined with what i have learned from history, and on what has actually transpired in my lifetime. Like for example what transpired on October 7th and what happened during and after the 2 world wars and pretty much every war before those even. I’m a student of history, of nature, of human nature, art, science, all kinds of subjects do i study closely. There are patterns that i perceive. I sleep the sleep of someone who sincerely wants peace and to help others but there is a limited amount that i can do in that respect. It’s never ending. I sincerely want equal rights and freedoms and peace and justice and prosperity for all. Murdering, raping, torturing, kidnapping are not the way to get there. We put murderers, rapists, sadistic torturers, kidnappers, those guilty of assault in jail. Keep in mind that i never murdered anyone, never raped anyone, never bombed anyone or tried to convince anyone to bomb another, in fact i want to ban bombs, make the use of them an automatic war crime, as i’ve mentioned several times in the past and i know you are aware of that. I never kidnapped anyone, nor would I. I work in, live and breath communication arts daily, that is the way i roll, that is what i do. That is what i’m doing right now. So yah, I sleep the sleep of someone who never killed anyone, never raped, never tortured or kidnapped, tries to be kind to others, and has long striven for peace and justice and many many environmental issues also. I sleep the sleep of a man who loves women, treats them as equals and with respect as i was raised to do. I sleep the sleep of a man who does not judge others by the amount of pigment in their skin, their race or ethnicity but only by their words and by their actions, and even then tries not to judge harshly. I know murder when i see it, i know prejudice when i see it, i know hate when i see it, i know fake propaganda and lies by omission when i see them and i’m calling it out, what i see and what i can produce evidence for as i have in the past and will continue to do. I see more than most and am not afraid to speak my mind. I will not be cowed or silenced by threat of violence or any coercive measure. I will not be censored. Freedom of speech is important to me, as are many other ideals that would be considered ‘liberal ideals’. I call out lies and misconceptions with well reasoned and substantiated arguments always. More later, it’s late now and it’s been an exceedingly full day, full of twists and turns, including some pretty funny ones and others rather stressful. more in the morning or as i find time… and believe me there will be more forthcoming as this issue is important to me. I know you are a kind, considerate and thoughtful man also, i respect you so i welcome the opportunity to present the facts of the case to you in a well reasoned and well substantiated argument and look forward to hearing your rebuttals in due time. Captain Sardonicus the Improbable over and out for this evening, as i said it’s been a very full day and i want to write about it now or at the very least digest it all and write some stuff about it in the morning. Some strange things happened today that piqued my urge to write, to consider it all within it’s larger context of life on planet earth in the 21st century and of local community also. Meanwhile, since you called me ‘guru’, even if only in gest, your home work for tonight is to research the history of genocides and subjegation, racial ‘cleansing’ of jewish populations by Islmaic forces in history and also by Christian forces do the same. That’s a lot of home work so it should keep you busy for a while.  

here’s a start…this is what is happening currently in geopolitics and wars waged by Islamic forces against Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Secularists and other sects of Islam and/or ethnic groups. 

1. Afghanistan – Taliban insurgency

2. Algeria – Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)

3. Burkina Faso – Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM)

4. Cameroon – Boko Haram

5. Central African Republic – Seleka rebels

6. Chad – Boko Haram

7. Democratic Republic of Congo – Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)

8. Egypt – Sinai Province (ISIS affiliate)

9. India (Kashmir region) – Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed

10. Indonesia – Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)

11. Iraq – Islamic State (ISIS)

12. Israel/Palestine – Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad

13. Libya – Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)

14. Mali – Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM)

15. Mozambique – Ansar al-Sunna

16. Myanmar (Rakhine state) – Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA)

17. Niger – Boko Haram

18. Nigeria – Boko Haram

19. Pakistan – Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

20. Philippines – Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF)

21. Somalia – Al-Shabaab

22. Syria – Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), ISIS

23. Tajikistan – Jamaat Ansarullah

24. Thailand (southern provinces) – Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN)

25. Tunisia – Ansar al-Sharia

26. Turkey – Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) – Islamist elements

27. Yemen – Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), ISIS

The jews have long been persecuted, subjected to genocides, imprisoned, raped, enslaved, tortured and murdered by Muslims and Christians in history. Anti Jewish sentiment can be found built right into the Quran and the Hadiths. It is right there for any who wish to see it, in black and white. I will give some examples as well as historical evidence below. There have been many genocides of Jewish communities by Arab Muslims and Christians, mainly Catholics, over the years. The catholic church at one point had a dogma that the Jews killed jesus and were actively pushing this narrative from every pulpit, in every parish. The vilification and demonization of Jews goes back to the 2nd century in the Christian church, both the Orthodox and the Catholic picked up this narrative and held onto it for a long time, fomenting an irrational hatred and distrust of Jews among their parishioners. The notion of Jewish deicide emerged, with Justin Martyr and Melito of Sardis making the charge in the 2nd century. Subsequently there were the blood libels, blaming Jews for the black death, the Plagues of the middle ages, saying that your baby got sick because the Jews poisoned the wells, erroneous and false libels combined with superstitions such as the ‘evil eye’, etc etc. As far as the student protestors are concerned, many are young and naive and really don’t know that much about history, geo-politics, geography, philosophy, comparative religion, science…they are young and foolish. Most are probably well meaning and think that they are fighting for peace and for equal rights but they really don’t have any depth of understanding of the issues at hand or their causes or the reality of the situation in the region. They have also been bombarded with propagandistic misinformation, all part of The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas et al master plan which obviously has succeeded to a large extent. The success of their social media propaganda campaign is evidence that the majority of the population are not critical thinkers, not very well educated or astute, pathetically undereducated in history and science both, have not looked at religious history much if at all outside of their own religion. Some of us have been paying close attention to it for many moons however, have seen the red flags and been sounding alarm. Radical Islam/Islamism is of grave concern on planet earth, at this time in history. They are engaged in violent conflicts, or ‘holy jihad’ as they call it in more than 20 different countries right now and guilty of war crimes and various atrocities in all of those countries (at the risk of making a political statement there is nothing more unholy than an ultra-violent holy jihad in the 21st century or in previous centuries) By way of Illustration… 

Here are some times in history when Muslim forces were responsible for genocide of Jewish populations. This is not a complete list of the times in history when Islamic forces wiped out/ethnically cleansed Jewish populations, often from lands that the Islamic forces had occupied by violent means in the first place and also of indigenous Jewish populations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Genocide of Jews by Islamic forces through history.

1. Conquest of Medina (627 CE): Muhammad’s forces attacked and expelled the Jewish tribes of Medina, resulting in the deaths of many Jews.

2. Massacre of the Banu Qurayza tribe (627 CE): Muhammad’s forces besieged and defeated the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza, leading to the execution of over 800 Jewish men and the enslavement of their women and children.

3. Pogroms of 1033-1034 in Fez, Morocco: Jewish communities were attacked, and many Jews were killed, forced to convert, or expelled.

4. Almohad persecution (1146-1248 CE): The Almohad Caliphate in North Africa and Spain forced Jews to convert to Islam, and many who refused were killed or expelled.

5. Ottoman massacres (14th-16th centuries CE): Jewish communities in the Ottoman Empire faced periodic massacres, forced conversions, and persecutions.

6. Farhud (1941 CE) in Baghdad, Iraq: A violent pogrom against Jews resulted in over 180 deaths and widespread destruction of Jewish property.

7. 1391 pogroms in Tunisia: Jewish communities were attacked, and many Jews were killed or forced to convert.

8. 1465 persecutions in Fez, Morocco: Jewish communities faced violence, forced conversions, and expulsions.

9. 1517 expulsion from Egypt: Jews were expelled from Egypt by the Ottoman Empire.

10. 1834 pogrom in Safed, Ottoman Palestine (now Israel): Jewish communities faced violence and destruction of property.

11. 1886 pogroms in Yemen: Jewish communities faced violence, forced conversions, and expulsions.

12. 1912-1913 pogroms in Shiraz, Iran: Jewish communities faced violence, forced conversions, and expulsions.

Here are some times when Christian populations were subjected to genocide by Muslims in the past. 

1. The conquest of Syria (634-638 CE): Christian populations were massacred, forced to convert, or expelled.

2. The Battle of Heliopolis (640 CE): Egyptian Christians were killed or enslaved by the Rashidun Caliphate.

3. The Mongol conquest of Baghdad (1258 CE): Christians were massacred, and churches destroyed.

4. The Ottoman conquest of Constantinople (1453 CE): Christians were killed, enslaved, or forced to convert.

5. The Armenian Genocide (1915-1923 CE): Ottoman forces and Kurdish tribes killed an estimated 1.5 million Armenians, many of whom were Christian.

6. The Greek Genocide (1914-1923 CE): Ottoman forces and Turkish irregulars killed an estimated 350,000-750,000 Greeks, many of whom were Christian.

7. The Assyrian Genocide (1914-1920 CE): Ottoman forces and Kurdish tribes killed an estimated 250,000-300,000 Assyrian Christians.

8. The Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990 CE): Christian populations were targeted by Muslim militias.

9. The ISIS atrocities (2014-2019 CE): Christians in Iraq and Syria were subjected to massacres, forced conversions, and enslavement.

10. Boko Haram, a terrorist organization, kidnapped approximately 276 schoolgirls from Chibok, Nigeria in 2014. The majority of the girls were Christian. The kidnapped girls were subjected to forced conversions to Islam, physical and emotional abuse, and forced marriages to Boko Haram fighters. Many were also forced into sexual slavery and used as human shields.

Here’s a list of historical Jewish sites destroyed or damaged by Islamic forces from the 7th century to present:

1. Temple Mount (Jerusalem, 638 CE): The Second Temple was destroyed by the Rashidun Caliphate.

2. Solomon’s Temple (Jerusalem, 638 CE): Also destroyed by the Rashidun Caliphate.

3. Ezra’s Tomb (Basra, Iraq, 941 CE): Destroyed by the Qarmatians, a Shia Islamic sect.

4. Tomb of Esther and Mordechai (Hamadan, Iran, 12th century): Damaged by the Ghaznavid Empire.

5. Jewish Quarter (Fez, Morocco, 1033 CE): Destroyed by the Berber dynasty.

6. Synagogue of the Prophet Samuel (Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan, 12th century): Converted into a mosque by the Ghurid dynasty.

7. Jewish Cemetery (Tunis, Tunisia, 1231 CE): Desecrated by the Almohad Caliphate.

8. Great Synagogue (Cairo, Egypt, 1010 CE): Destroyed by the Fatimid Caliphate.

9. Tomb of Rabbi Abraham ben David (Posquières, France, 1160 CE): Vandalized by Almohad invaders.

10. Jewish Quarter (Grenada, Spain, 1066 CE): Destroyed by the Almoravid dynasty.

11. Hurva Synagogue (Jerusalem, 1720 CE): Destroyed by the Ottoman Empire.

12. Tomb of Rabbi Nachman (Uman, Ukraine, 1929 CE): Vandalized by Arab rioters.

13. Jewish Quarter (Hebron, 1929 CE): Destroyed during the Hebron massacre.

14. Great Synagogue (Aleppo, Syria, 1947 CE): Torched by Arab rioters.

15. Jewish sites in Iraq (1941 CE): Destroyed during the Farhud pogrom.

Here’s a list of some significant Christian sites destroyed or damaged by Islamic forces since the 7th century

1. St. John’s Basilica (Ephesus, Turkey) – destroyed by the Umayyad Caliphate in 654

2. Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem, Palestine) – damaged during the Umayyad Caliphate in 639

3. Hagia Sophia (Constantinople, Byzantine Empire) – converted into a mosque by the Ottoman Empire in 1453

4. Monastery of St. Catherine (Sinai, Egypt) – attacked and damaged by the Umayyad Caliphate in 634

5. Church of the Holy Apostles (Constantinople, Byzantine Empire) – destroyed by the Ottoman Empire in 1461

6. St. Mark’s Basilica (Alexandria, Egypt) – destroyed by the Fatimid Caliphate in 1010

7. Cathedral of St. James (Jerusalem, Palestine) – destroyed by the Fatimid Caliphate in 1010

8. Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem, Palestine) – damaged and partially destroyed by the Fatimid Caliphate in 1009

9. Monastery of the Holy Cross (Jerusalem, Palestine) – destroyed by the Umayyad Caliphate in 614

10. St. George’s Church (Lydda, Palestine) – destroyed by the Umayyad Caliphate in 639

Here is a list of Buddhist sites destroyed or defaced by Islamic forces:

1. Nalanda University (Bihar, India): Destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khalji in 1204 CE

2. Vikramashila University (Bihar, India): Destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khalji in 1204 CE

3. Odantapuri University (Bihar, India): Destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khalji in 1204 CE

4. Somapura Mahavihara (Paharpur, Bangladesh): Destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khalji in 1204 CE

5. Dharmapuri Mahavihara (Dharmapuri, India): Destroyed by the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century

6. Sompur Mahavihara (Animeshlocana, Bangladesh): Destroyed by the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century

7. Bamiyan Buddhas (Bamiyan, Afghanistan): Destroyed by the Taliban in 2001

8. Mes Aynak (Logar Province, Afghanistan): Destroyed by the Taliban in 2001

9. Ghazni Buddhist site (Ghazni Province, Afghanistan): Destroyed by the Taliban in 2001

10. Hadda Buddhist site (Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan): Destroyed by the Taliban in 2001

11. Jalalabad Buddhist site (Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan): Destroyed by the Taliban in 2001

12. Nagarjunakonda (Andhra Pradesh, India): Destroyed by the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century

13. Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh, India): Destroyed by the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century

14. Nagarjunakonda (Andhra Pradesh, India): Destroyed by the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century

15. Sarnath (Uttar Pradesh, India): Destroyed by the Delhi Sultanate in the 12th century

Here’s a list of 10 Hindu sites destroyed or damaged by Muslim invaders and rulers since the 7th century:

1. Somnath Temple (Gujarat, 1026 CE): Destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni.

2. Vishnu Temple (Mathura, 1018 CE): Destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni.

3. Kashi Vishwanath Temple (Varanasi, 1194 CE): Destroyed by Muhammad of Ghor.

4. Lingaraj Temple (Bhubaneswar, 13th century CE): Damaged by Muslim invaders.

5. Jagannath Temple (Puri, 14th century CE): Damaged by Muslim invaders.

6. Martand Sun Temple (Kashmir, 8th century CE): Destroyed by Sikandar Butshikan.

7. Debal Temple (Sindh, 725 CE): Destroyed by Muhammad bin Qasim.

8. Nalanda University (Bihar, 12th century CE): Destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khalji.

9. Mahakal Temple (Ujjain, 13th century CE): Damaged by Iltutmish.

10. Chidambaram Temple (Tamil Nadu, 14th century CE): Damaged by Malik Kafur.

*Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and there were many other Hindu sites destroyed or damaged during this period.

So there is a bit of historical context that hopefully will help you to understand this issue in it’s fuller context and also a bigger picture than just Israel and the middle east. 

Important to note that Israel is not alone, though that is clear from the lists I will write it plainly. There is a larger ideolgical war going on, i.e. Islam vs the western secular democracies, Islam vs. modern civil rights and freedoms, Islam vs. equal rights for ALL in the law. That is the bigger picture. Many of us in the west realize this and recognize that Israel is caught up tragically as a key pawn in the game. We in the west will not fail Israel in standing up for that which is truth, that which just, and right. We want a win/win, peace and prosperity and safety and security for ALL, and that does include Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Cargo Cultists, etc and we recognize that the main victims of Islam are, in fact, Muslims. They are in an ideological cage made from bars of fear, hate, and delusion from an early age and it’s a hard one to break free from as at the core of Islam is a repressive, regressive, coercive ideology that murders apostates and ‘infidels’ and uses their so called holy books to justify it so they do not even realize how evil they are actually being, all these centuries. The Christians have been also, the inquisitions, the witch-hunts, and the rape, pillage and conquest of the ‘new world’, various sectarian conflicts (sectarian conflics also common in Islamic countries, regimes, theocracies) the holocaust also and that is noted and detestable, however, it is Islamists that are, today creating the most death and destruction and unrest, wars and terrorism currently at this time in history and for the past 70 years or so. To add to the tragedy of all of this war, death, murder, kidnapping, rape and torture, destruction including environmental damage read this that i wrote a few days ago. None of these gods are even evidenced to be REAL, it is all a made up fantasy/delusion fabricated by humans to assuage our fear of death and insignificance, lack of comfort with open ended questions and the desire of sociopathic megalomaniacal madmen to control and dominate others.

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