Being falsely accused of “Islamophobia”

500,000+ killed in Syria – silence,
1236,000+ killed in Afghanistan – silence
377,000+ killed in Yemen – silence
5,400,000+ killed in Congo – silence
500,000+ killed in Sudan – silence
300,000+ killed in Iraq – silence
130,000+ killed in Gaza – extreme outrage

I honestly never imagined I would witness the insane levels of anti-semitism that we are seeing right now raising its ugly head in 2023-2025. I was aware of an undercurrent, most especially visible with the whack conspiricy theory set, including the so called, ‘alien lizard creatures are run tings’ imbeciles but to see it go mainstream, that is a shocker.

In railing against it online i often get falsely accused of being ‘islamaphobic’ or ‘racist’ or ‘condoning genocide’, usually something along those lines. However, a ‘phobia’ is an IRRATIONAL FEAR. Our concerns re the pervasive and insidious nature of Islamism world wide are RATIONAL, well justified given the FACTS, and absolutely MUST be voiced. FYI the term ‘racist’ does not even apply as Islam is not a race, it is a religion, a world view and and Islamism is an ideology. Ad hominem attacks aside and justifiably disregarded as the logical fallacies and smoke screens that they are, I feel a moral obligation to voice my concerns so and i don’t care what names i get called for doing so. There are valid concerns backed up by historical and factual evidence. Many people are dying due to Islam’s built in hatred of and prejudice against Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Women and sexual minorities, ‘infidels’ or Kafir as Muslims say, those who do not believe as they do in a fictitious character they refer to as Allah. Not to mention the many sectarian conflicts between Sunni and Shia, Alawites, Kurdish Yazidi, Druze, etc etc. Many of those dying are Muslims, as ‘martyrs’ being brainwashed/indoctrinated, USED by Islamists for their sick and twisted and hate filled PR campaigns. THAT is truly what is happening in Israel/Palestine/Gaza right now. The children of gaza and surrounding Arab territories have literally been raised to hate and want to kill Jews. It is as simple and as ghastly as that and i have abundant evidence that that is the case. It’s freely available for anyone to see that pays attention and studies the issue closely.

Concerns about the term “Islamophobia”

1. Vagueness: The term “Islamophobia” is often vaguely defined, making it difficult to distinguish between legitimate criticism of Islam and actual phobic behavior.

2. Chilling effect: The label “Islamophobia” can have a chilling effect on free speech, as people may avoid criticizing Islam or discussing sensitive topics related to Islam for fear of being labeled “Islamophobic.”

3. Stifling debate: The term “Islamophobia” can be used to shut down debate and discussion about Islam, rather than engaging with critics and addressing their concerns.

Importance of legitimate criticism

1. Free speech: Legitimate criticism of Islam, like any other religion or ideology, is essential to maintaining free speech and open discussion.

2. Reform and progress: Criticism of Islam can contribute to reform and progress within Muslim communities, helping to address issues like extremism, human rights abuses, and inequality.

3. Understanding and education: Open discussion and criticism of Islam can promote greater understanding and education about the religion, its history, and its practices.

Every death in Gaza is the responsibility of Hamas and is part of their planned and vile PR strategy aimed at the under-educated and naive in the west. Calling someone “islamophobic” really is aimed at chilling free speech and especially chilling one’s right to critique Islam, though the critique may be well justified and factually correct. I will point out that you can call me what you like but I do not oppress women, instead i respect, honour and celebrate them and also vocally and in writing advocate for EQUAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS FOR ALL IN THE LAW. I do not brutalize, torture and murder homosexuals, Islamic regimes do that, I do not put suicide bomber vests on women and children, Islam does that, the suicide bomber community is exclusively Muslim, in fact. I do not murder journalists and cartoonists and other critics for critisizing my religion (i don’t adhere to any), Islam does do that. I do not kidnap and brutalize, rape and enslave women and children, Islamists do that (ISIS, Boko Haram, et al).

FYI Islam is a religion, not a race, though it originated in Arabia and so is of Arabian origins. At this point it has spread like an insidious cancer all over the world, just as Christianity has. These religions are mind viruses and do a lot of damage, have done a lot of damage over the centuries.

In my various rational critiques of Islam and of Islamism i ALWAYS mention that Muslims themselves, especially muslim women are the main victims of Islam, of Authoritarian Islamic regimes. For prime examples have a look at the Taliban in Afghanastan and the Morality police in Iran. In Iran, the morality police are commonly known as the “Gasht-e Ershad” (گشت ارشاد). The term “Gasht-e Ershad” can be translated to “Guidance Patrol” or “Virtue Police.”

The Gasht-e Ershad is a special unit of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that is responsible for enforcing Iran’s strict moral codes and dress codes, particularly for women. They patrol public areas, monitoring people’s behavior and attire, and issuing warnings, fines, or even arrests to those who are deemed to be violating these codes.

It’s worth noting that the Gasht-e Ershad has been criticized for its heavy-handed tactics and human rights abuses, particularly against women and minority groups.

The Taliban has controlled Afghanistan since 2021. Girls are now banned from attending school past sixth grade. Independent media, including newspapers and radio stations, have been shut down. Protestors, journalists, and activists are being arrested.

Islam itself IS a form of authoritarianism, it is founded on violence and authoritarian principals and espouses and enforces those principals through incoctrination, coersion and violence. It was always done that, history tells the story of it clearly, irrefutably. I always mention that Chritianity was just as bad not so long ago and that there are still ‘Christians’ burning ‘witches’ and ‘heretics’ even in the 21st century. Witch persecution and trials are ongoing incidents in Africa, with thousands of people, mainly women and the elderly, being accused, attacked, killed, imprisoned, or banished every year. And the Jews were just as bad 3200 years ago with their physical and cultural genocide of the Amalakites, as refferenced in the Hebrew bible.

At THIS TIME in history, however, Islam is BY FAR the most violent, oppresive, regressive and toxic for that religion takes. There is no religion that i am a fan of because i have a serious aversion to bullshit and all are predicated on demonstrably and evidently false precepts.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

This quote emphasizes the importance of standing up against injustice, speaking out against wrongdoings, and taking action to prevent harm. It encourages individuals to be proactive in promoting good and combating evil, rather than remaining passive or silent.

List of the 27 main countries where Islamists are on violent forms of ‘jihad’ currently

1. Afghanistan – Taliban
2. Algeria – Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
3. Burkina Faso – Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM)
4. Cameroon – Boko Haram
5. Central African Republic – Seleka rebels
6. Chad – Boko Haram
7. Democratic Republic of Congo – Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)
8. Egypt – Sinai Province (ISIS affiliate)
9. India (Kashmir region) – Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed
10. Indonesia – Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)
11. Iraq – Islamic State (ISIS)
12. Israel/Palestine – Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad
13. Libya – Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
14. Mali – Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM)
15. Mozambique – Ansar al-Sunna
16. Myanmar (Rakhine state) – Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA)
17. Niger – Boko Haram
18. Nigeria – Boko Haram
19. Pakistan – Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
20. Philippines – Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF)
21. Somalia – Al-Shabaab
22. Syria – Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), ISIS
23. Tajikistan – Jamaat
24. Thailand (southern provinces) – Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN)
25. Tunisia – Ansar al-Sharia
26. Turkey – Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) – Islamist elements
27. Yemen – Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), ISIS

Are you seriously going to attempt to blame Israel for all of that? If so you are in a state of abject and pathetic ignorance of history and the current state of geo-politics, cause and effect, and are very much on the wrong side of history and you are endorsing and enabling religious fanatic homicidal maniacs because that is exactly what they want you to do. Your anti-zionist anti-semitism is a part of their vile and abhorrent PR strategy of assymetrical warfare.

The term “useful idiot” is often misunderstood so let’s clarify its meaning.

The term “useful idiot” was originally coined by Vladimir Lenin to describe Western intellectuals and politicians who supported the Soviet Union’s ideology without fully understanding its implications. These individuals were seen as naive and unwittingly promoting the Soviet agenda.

The term doesn’t necessarily imply that someone is an idiot in the classical sense. Rather, it suggests that they are being manipulated or exploited by others, often due to their own biases, ignorance, or idealism.

Intelligent people can indeed be fooled or misled, especially when it comes to complex issues or ideologies. The term “useful idiot” is more about the role someone plays in promoting a particular agenda, rather than their intelligence or cognitive abilities.

Addtionally, part of intelligence/awareness is the ability to discern patterns and to make accurate predictions based upon those patterns.

Here is a bit more background information for you dear reader. Genocide of Jews by Islamic forces through history.

1. Conquest of Medina (627 CE): Muhammad’s forces attacked and expelled the Jewish tribes of Medina, resulting in the deaths of many Jews.

2. Massacre of the Banu Qurayza tribe (627 CE): Muhammad’s forces besieged and defeated the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza, leading to the execution of over 800 Jewish men and the enslavement of their women and children.

3. Pogroms of 1033-1034 in Fez, Morocco: Jewish communities were attacked, and many Jews were killed, forced to convert, or expelled.

4. Almohad persecution (1146-1248 CE): The Almohad Caliphate in North Africa and Spain forced Jews to convert to Islam, and many who refused were killed or expelled.

5. Ottoman massacres (14th-16th centuries CE): Jewish communities in the Ottoman Empire faced periodic massacres, forced conversions, and persecutions.

6. Farhud (1941 CE) in Baghdad, Iraq: A violent pogrom against Jews resulted in over 180 deaths and widespread destruction of Jewish property.

7. 1391 pogroms in Tunisia: Jewish communities were attacked, and many Jews were killed or forced to convert.

8. 1465 persecutions in Fez, Morocco: Jewish communities faced violence, forced conversions, and expulsions.

9. 1517 expulsion from Egypt: Jews were expelled from Egypt by the Ottoman Empire.

10. 1834 pogrom in Safed, Ottoman Palestine (now Israel): Jewish communities faced violence and destruction of property.

11. 1886 pogroms in Yemen: Jewish communities faced violence, forced conversions, and expulsions.

12. 1912-1913 pogroms in Shiraz, Iran: Jewish communities faced violence, forced conversions, and expulsions.

The Mufti of Jerusalem during World War II was Haj Amin al-Husseini. He was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Islamic leader who held the position of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem from 1921 to 1948.

Haj Amin al-Husseini was a strong opponent of Jewish immigration to Palestine, which was then under British rule. He saw the Jewish presence in Palestine as a threat to Arab and Muslim interests.

During World War II, al-Husseini sought to align himself and the Palestinian Arab nationalist movement with the Axis powers, particularly Nazi Germany. He believed that an alliance with the Nazis would help him achieve his goals of preventing Jewish immigration to Palestine and establishing an independent Arab state.

In 1941, al-Husseini met with Adolf Hitler and other high-ranking Nazi officials in Berlin. During these meetings, he expressed his support for the Nazi war effort and his desire to collaborate with the Nazis in the Middle East.

Al-Husseini also helped to recruit Muslim soldiers for the German army and advocated for the extermination of Jews in the Middle East. He saw the Holocaust as an opportunity to eliminate the Jewish presence in Palestine and advance his own nationalist goals.

Al-Husseini’s collaboration with the Nazis was not representative of the views of all Palestinians or Arabs at the time. Many Arabs and Palestinians opposed Nazi ideology and collaborated with the Allies during World War II.

After the war, al-Husseini fled to Egypt, where he continued to play a role in Palestinian politics until his death in 1974.

Some background info:

Here’s a list of some significant Islamic attacks on Israel since 1948:


1. 1948 Arab-Israeli War: A coalition of Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, launched a military campaign against the newly declared State of Israel.


1. Palestinian Fedayeen attacks (1950s-1960s): Palestinian militants, backed by Arab states, carried out numerous cross-border attacks against Israeli civilians and military targets.

2. Sinai War (1956): Egypt, backed by Palestinian militants, launched a military campaign against Israel, which resulted in Israel’s occupation of the Sinai Peninsula.


1. Munich Olympics massacre (1972): Palestinian militants from the Black September organization killed 11 Israeli athletes and coaches during the Munich Olympics.

2. Yom Kippur War (1973): A coalition of Arab states, including Egypt and Syria, launched a surprise military attack against Israel on Yom Kippur.


1. Lebanon War (1982-1985): Israel invaded Lebanon to drive out Palestinian militants, leading to a protracted conflict.

2. Palestinian Intifada (1987-1993): A wave of Palestinian protests, riots, and attacks against Israeli civilians and military targets.


1. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) suicide bombings (1990s-2000s): Palestinian militant groups carried out numerous suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, resulting in significant casualties.

2. Second Intifada (2000-2005): A wave of Palestinian violence, including bombings, shootings, and stabbings, targeted Israeli civilians and military personnel.


1. Gaza Wars (2008-2009, 2012, 2014): Israel launched military campaigns against Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups in Gaza, resulting in significant casualties and infrastructure damage.

2. Palestinian lone-wolf attacks (2015-2016): A wave of Palestinian attacks, including stabbings, shootings, and car-rammings, targeted Israeli civilians and security personnel.


1. Gaza border protests (2018-2020): Palestinian protesters, backed by Hamas, clashed with Israeli security forces along the Gaza border, resulting in significant casualties.

2. Israel-Gaza conflicts (2021): Israel launched military campaigns against Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups in Gaza, resulting in significant casualties and infrastructure damage.

3. October 7th, 2023 attacks, also known as Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. On that day, Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups launched coordinated armed incursions from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel, marking the first invasion of Israeli territory since the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

The attacks began with a barrage of over 4,300 rockets launched into Israel, killing dozens and injuring many more. Simultaneously, around 6,000 Palestinian militants and civilians infiltrated Israel from Gaza, breaching the border in 119 locations. The militants attacked military bases, settlements, and civilians, resulting in significant casualties and damage.

Some of the most devastating attacks occurred at the Supernova Sukkot Gathering, a music festival near kibbutz Re’im, where 364 civilians were killed and many more wounded. Other attacks took place in Kfar Aza, Be’eri, and Netiv HaAsara, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries.

The October 7th attacks were widely condemned by governments and organizations around the world, and are described as a terrorist attack, a war crime, an atrocity and a massacre.

Hamas et al >>> “Kill Jews!!! Kill Kill Kill!!! Rape them!!! Allahu Akbar!!! Run Away!!!! Ceases Fire!!!!”

The FACT is that Jerusalem is JEWISH, Judea is JEWISH land invaded and colonized first by the romans and then later by Islamic forces. This is historical fact. It was the Greeks and then the Romans who first used the term Palestine to define that land. They did they to punish the Jews for revolt and also killed a lot of Jews and expelled the rest from the land. That was the located of Soloman’s Temple and the 2nd temple, on the Temple Mount. Now it is the location of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Solomon’s Temple, also known as the First Temple, was a sacred temple in Jerusalem, Israel, built during the reign of King Solomon (970-930 BCE). Here’s a brief history:

Construction and Dedication (970-930 BCE)
1. King Solomon, the third king of Israel, decided to build a temple to house the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the Ten Commandments.
2. The construction of the temple took seven years to complete (1 Kings 7:1).
3. The temple was built using cedar wood, gold, and precious stones.
4. The temple was dedicated to God, and the Ark of the Covenant was placed inside the Holy of Holies.

History and Significance (930-586 BCE)
1. Solomon’s Temple served as the central place of worship for the Israelites.
2. The temple was a symbol of God’s presence among the Israelites.
3. The temple was also a center of learning, where priests and scribes studied and taught the Torah.
4. During the reign of King Hezekiah (727-698 BCE), the temple was renovated and restored.

Destruction by the Babylonians (586 BCE)
1. In 586 BCE, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem and destroyed Solomon’s Temple.
2. The Babylonians looted the temple, taking many of its treasures and artifacts.
3. The destruction of the temple marked the beginning of the Babylonian exile, during which many Israelites were forced to leave Jerusalem and live in Babylon.

Archaeological Evidence
1. While the temple itself has not been found, archaeological excavations have uncovered remnants of the temple’s foundation and walls.
2. The Temple Mount, where the temple once stood, is now home to the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim shrine built in the 7th century CE.

1. Solomon’s Temple is considered one of the most important buildings in Jewish history and is still revered today.
2. The temple’s design and architecture have influenced the construction of synagogues and other Jewish buildings throughout history.
3. The legacy of Solomon’s Temple continues to be felt in Jewish worship and tradition, with many prayers and rituals referencing the temple and its significance.

in Jerusalem was a sacred Jewish temple built during the Persian period, after the Babylonian exile. Here’s a brief history:

Construction and Dedication (516 BCE)
1. Cyrus the Great’s decree: In 538 BCE, the Persian king Cyrus the Great issued a decree allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.
2. Construction begins: The construction of the Second Temple began in 536 BCE, led by Zerubbabel, a Jewish leader, and Joshua, the high priest.
3. Dedication: The temple was completed in 516 BCE, during the reign of the Persian king Darius I, and was dedicated to God.

Hellenistic and Hasmonean Periods (332-37 BCE)
1. Alexander’s conquest: In 332 BCE, Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, including Judea.
2. Hellenistic influence: After Alexander’s death, his successors introduced Greek culture and practices, which influenced Jewish life and the temple.
3. Maccabean Revolt: In 167 BCE, the Maccabees, a Jewish family, led a successful revolt against the Seleucid Empire, which had desecrated the temple.
4. Rededication: In 164 BCE, the Maccabees rededicated the temple, an event commemorated during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.

Roman Period (37 BCE-70 CE)
1. Herod’s renovation: In 19 BCE, King Herod, a Roman-appointed Jewish king, renovated and expanded the Second Temple, making it a grand and impressive structure.
2. Jesus’ teachings: During the 1st century CE, Jesus of Nazareth taught in the temple courts, criticizing the corruption and commercialization of the temple.
3. Roman destruction: In 70 CE, the Roman legions, led by Titus, besieged and destroyed Jerusalem, including the Second Temple.

Aftermath and Legacy
1. Diaspora: The destruction of the Second Temple led to the Jewish diaspora, with many Jews dispersed throughout the Roman Empire.
2. Rabbinic Judaism: The loss of the temple led to the development of Rabbinic Judaism, which emphasized the study of Torah and the importance of synagogues.
3. Western Wall: The Western Wall, a remnant of the temple’s retaining wall, became a sacred site for Jewish prayer and pilgrimage.

The Second Temple played a central role in Jewish life and worship for nearly 600 years, and its legacy continues to shape Jewish tradition and identity.

A question that gets to the heart of a longstanding debate!

Mosque located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which is also the site where Solomon’s Temple once stood.

Historical Background
1. After the destruction of Solomon’s Temple by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the site remained largely abandoned for several centuries.
2. In 515 BCE, the Second Temple was built on the same site during the Persian period.
3. The Second Temple was later renovated and expanded by King Herod in the 1st century BCE.
4. In 70 CE, the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans.

Islamic Period
1. In the 7th century CE, during the Islamic conquest of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount was converted into a Muslim prayer area.
2. In 692 CE, the Dome of the Rock was built on the site, followed by the construction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the 8th century CE.

Archaeological Evidence
1. Excavations have revealed remnants of the Second Temple, including its foundation and walls, beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
2. Some researchers believe that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on top of the ruins of the Second Temple, while others argue that it was constructed on an adjacent site.

While the Al-Aqsa Mosque is located on the Temple Mount, which was the site of Solomon’s Temple, it is not directly built on top of the ancient temple. Instead, it was constructed on the site of the Second Temple, which was built centuries after Solomon’s Temple was destroyed.

Danielle Osieck: Hmm. I don’t trust your ideas of antisemitism though as you seem to lump anyone critical of the methods of Israel as antisemitic. An over used and weaponization of the word much like the word racism. You are unable to hear any criticism of Israel, and are silent on Palestinian harms, and therefore are as bad as anyone silent on on Islamic violence. Far right Israeli politics are problematic and inhumane and have contributed towards their own lack of safety. Israel has dehumanized Palestinians for far too long and terrorists have threatened Israel for far too long. I see you jump on anyone supporting human rights of Palestinians as suddenly antisemtic, repeatedly! Assuming their intentions just as some would assume yours. It’s irrational to be taking sides in absolutes. The reality is that it’s complicated and voicing concerns for a certain aspect of that complicated mess does not mean that concern doesn’t lie elsewhere simultaneously. The inability to communicate that on social media is apparent. The division continues to force algorithms and anger into narrowing pools of echo chambers.
Israel deserves peace and safety and Palestinians deserve peace and dignity.

Kenneth Fersht: Danielle Osieck you actually don’t understand what is going on. I don’t jump on everyone supporting human rights anywhere. Palestinians do not have any right to murder Jews, to rape kidnap and murder Israelis. That is not a ‘human right’. The criminally insane with hatred and humiliation terrorist murderers responsible for October 7th massacre must be brought to justice. Full Stop. All of the hostages must be released. You have no ‘human right’ to put words in my mouth or to misconstrue my message. You just don’t understand Danielle. You are not aware of the history apparently. You are apparently not aware that Hamas has been indoctrinating the people of gaza to become martyrs for their hate filled ideology. Your vision is skewed and distorted by what you DON’T KNOW and don’t understand about the Islamist world view, ideology and end game. As i’ve mentioned before, it’s not just Israel/Palestine/Gaza. Islamists are on ultra-violent ‘jihad’ in 27 different countries and active in 69 different countries. Their goal is to install a ‘caliphate’ along with sharia in all of those countries. That is their stated goal, often re-iterated by Imams all over the world, INCLUDING IN CANADA. That is the stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood from whence Hamas was incubated and nurtured and brought to life. They honestly think and believe and teach that when they die as martyrs, especially in the process of killing jews they will be rewarded in paradise. That is what they believe, that is what they teach their children and they have been doing it since long before the modern state of Israel even existed . Not maybe, that is what they do and the truth of the story is in what they have actually DONE over the centuries. And where are the ‘moderate muslims’ standing en masse against the ‘extremist’ groups? They are either terrified to do so or they sincerely support Hamas et al. It is not happening, there is not much popular dissent in the Muslim community against Hamas, against Hezbollah, nor even against the Taliban or ISIS. There is quite a bit of ‘apostate’ dissent, however. Those ex-muslims who do know what is going on and are brave enough to speak out, because they were inside of it and escaped. Listen to them speak, they will tell you what is really going on, they know. As far as anti-semitism goes, it’s real, anti-semitic hate crimes are on the rise, synagogs are getting attacked and vandalized. Jews are being terrorized and vilified. THAT is anti-semitism. Anti-semitism is the NORM in Islam and always has been. Islamists taught hitler how to do genocide, the Greek, Assyrian and Armenian genocides of the first world war. I agree that our goal should be peace, security and prosperity and equal rights for all but that can not happen while groups with ideologies such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, The Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaida exist. Listen to the chants of Yemeni people in their rallies, ‘death to Israel’, ‘death to america’, ‘a curse upon the jews’, etc. And obviously it’s not just the Huthi chanting this along with the ubiquitous ‘Allahu Akbar’. There are Islamist groups in Canada echoing these same chants only adding ‘death to Canada’. That’s not OK Danielle. Danielle, i have always advocated for human rights, for civil rights, for equal rights and freedom for women and sexual minorities, as well as for environmental issues. For my whole adult life i have done that and i’m not about to stop now. I see through the sick piles of bullshit propaganda of Hamas et al, you do not.

Danielle Osieck: Kenneth Fersht so now my critique of human rights violations is somehow twisted into “Palestinians have a right to murder, rape etc” as being the human right everyone is hoping for? You make no sense. Childish, anti-intellectual arguments. No one is condoning Oct 7. But you can’t seem to condone anything contrary to absolute Jewish superiority. History is not an excuse to violate human rights. But please tell me how nearly every human rights organization disagrees with you? Is it because they don’t know what’s “really going on”. Frontline doctors and aid workers Lol. You can’t seem to comprehend that criticism of FAR RIGHT Israeli politics is NOT support of Islamic extremists. How blind are you to your own obsession of Islamic violence? You are not capable of seeing anything critical. You are just as bad a science denialist. Down a rabbit hole. Employing the same techniques and not able to see how faulty your own logic is. You have attacked numerous people for supporting the rights of Palestinians. You call them useful idiots. You attack here, claiming I know nothing and want Palestinians to have the right to murder. It’s a joke of over reacting. Palestinians deserve to live a dignified life. Israelis deserve a right to exist. I dare you to consider the “opposite side” and find middle ground. Watch the movie. Watch, read some Palestinian accounts of torture, rape and abuse at the hands of Israeli soldiers. I dare you to try and understand both people’s struggles and come out of your rabbit hole.

Kenneth Fersht: Danielle Osieck you say “no one is condoning Oct 7th”. That is obviously not true. Many people ARE condoning it, the majority of Muslims polled condone it and the vast majority condone it by their silence and the useful idiots protesting at universities etc are condoning it, seeking to justify it, blaming Israel for it. They are literally blaming the victims of it. That is not ok. Take your bullshit elsewhere, i’m not buying it.

Kenneth Fersht:

Danielle Osieck back to the term “islamophobia”. One is not allowed to satire, spoof, or criticize Islam, not without dire consequences. Charlie Hebdo and Salmon Rushie are both cases in point. That is not my ‘phobia’, that shit really happened. That is contrary to freedom of the press and freedom of speech, both of which are cornerstones of modern liberal democracies.

So where did the word “Islamophobia” originate?

There is evidence to suggest that the term “Islamophobia” was indeed used by the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliated organizations before it was popularized by the Runnymede Trust in the UK, which received funding from Muslim Brotherhood affiliated organizations.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s use of the term “Islamophobia” dates back to the 1990s, when the organization’s leaders and affiliated scholars began using it to describe what they saw as a growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the West.

Danielle Osieck: Kenneth Fersht you’re in denial of your descent into the hole. You are oblivious to any information that contradicts you, clinging to extreme interpretations. Ah yes when I said “no one” I failed to clarify to you, the friends and people we know that you attack, including myself!. I TOTALLY meant the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD and Hamas too. You find the tiniest crumb to cling too and become the idiot you condone. It’s all just BS right? Couldn’t possibly be anyone who has any critique of Israel and now you align with extremists on the other side. Well done. Just spout some history and be the armchair expert like we’ve seen time and time again. Let’s take the message that a mutual friend shared which called for an end to arms so that fresh water could get into the occupied territory. You attacked like they were antisemitic.

Danielle Osieck: Kenneth Fersht knowing historic facts does not make you an expert on human rights violations on the front lines. You seem to think that knowing history means you can ignore any rights violations. Worse off, you condemn anyone who is concerned by citing irrelevant facts. It’s not remotely related.
Look at you again talking in extremes. “If you are denying that Israel has a right to rid itself of Hamas then that is anti-semitic.” What an atrocious example of the either/or false dilemma fallacy. Again giving absolute carte blanche to inflict ethnic cleansing because you think 600 years ago there was a temple on a hill.

Danielle Osieck: Kenneth Fersht and see how you combine Palestinians and terrorists together in a lump. Like the vast majority couldn’t possibly be innocent or even radicalized by the state of oppression they’ve been put in. Again. Israel deserves it’s freedom. You seem to argue at any cost necessary because you are blinded by rage against Islamic terrorists. You can’t help but dehumanize Palestinians and Muslims by lumping them together. If the rules of war don’t exist for Israel then what separates it from it’s enemies?

Danielle Osieck: Kenneth Fersht can you even consider watching the film? Can you ask yourself if any evidence of Israeli brutality would be believed by you or are unchangeable in your devout belief that 100% infallible for any death or trauma?

Kenneth Fersht: Danielle Osieck I did not ever say that Israel is “100% infallible” any more than i would say that any other country or person is “100% infallible”. Stop using straw man arguments.

Kenneth Fersht: Danielle Osieck Tell me about Oct 7th, 2023 Danielle. Educate me :P I guarantee you are missing something important about it. For example, why that specific day, Oct 7th? Why is it significant in terms of geo-politics?‘

Danielle Osieck: Kenneth Fersht you’re just skirting the issue. You’re not answering to the point. I know I don’t know everything. I don’t profess to. I can however trust the institutions like WHO, UNICEF, Medicines Sans Frontier, UN, Amnesty International, etc. who not only condone Hamas’s terrible crimes but recognize Israeli crimes against humanity. This is the fucking point. You can’t seem to be able to act reasonably and critique Israel. You are fully trying to find ways to validate your opinion instead of having curiosity or openness to how Israel has caused harm as well. You’re guilty of extreme bias that makes you attack people who champion human rights in Palestine as enemies and throw inane insults around. Your just as bad as any denialist when real institutions have stated findings that absolutely incalidate your claims that Israel is 100% infallible for any death or destruction. Please explain how these institutions are so wrong but you are correct in your assessment because you know some historical facts and can now find ways to justify any atrocity. Sounds like you’re just as silly as them, down a hole with only your ego and cognitive dissonance refusing to accept any information that contradicts your belief.

Kenneth Fersht: Danielle Osieck A strawman argument is a fallacious argumentative tactic where an opponent’s argument or position is misrepresented, exaggerated, or distorted to make it easier to attack or discredit. This is often done by:

1. Misrepresenting the opponent’s argument, making it seem more extreme or ridiculous than it actually is.
2. Exaggerating the opponent’s claims or positions, making them seem more absurd or unacceptable.
3. Creating a false narrative around the opponent’s argument, ignoring or distorting key points to make it seem weaker or less valid.

The goal of a strawman argument is to create a weakened or distorted version of the opponent’s argument, making it easier to attack and discredit. By doing so, the person using the strawman argument can:

1. Avoid engaging with the actual argument or issue.
2. Create a false sense of victory, by defeating a weakened or distorted version of the opponent’s argument.
3. Distract from the real issue, by shifting the focus away from the actual argument or topic.

Strawman arguments are often used in debates, discussions, and online discourse, and can be damaging to constructive dialogue and critical thinking.

Kenneth Fersht:

Danielle Osieck Here’s a comprehensive list of logical fallacies that are not allowed in debate:

Fallacies of Relevance
1. Ad Hominem: Attacking the person instead of addressing the argument.
2. Ad Populum: Appealing to popular opinion rather than evidence.
3. Appeal to Authority: Using authority or expertise to support an argument, rather than evidence.
4. Appeal to Emotion: Using emotions rather than logic to persuade.
5. Appeal to Tradition: Arguing that something is true or good because it’s traditional.
6. Red Herring: Introducing an irrelevant topic to distract from the argument.
7. Strawman: Misrepresenting or exaggerating an opponent’s argument.

Fallacies of Inference
1. False Dilemma: Presenting only two options when there are more.
2. Slippery Slope: Arguing that a particular action will inevitably lead to a series of negative consequences.
3. Hasty Generalization: Drawing a conclusion based on insufficient evidence.
4. Unrepresentative Sample: Using a sample that doesn’t accurately represent the population.
5. False Cause: Assuming a causal relationship between two events without evidence.
6. Begging the Question: Assuming the truth of the conclusion one is trying to prove.

Fallacies of Presumption
1. Assuming the Unproven: Assuming the truth of a statement without evidence.
2. Shifting the Burden of Proof: Requiring the opponent to prove a negative.
3. Appeal to Ignorance: Arguing that something is true because it hasn’t been proven false.

Fallacies of Ambiguity
1. Equivocation: Using a word or phrase with multiple meanings to deceive.
2. Vagueness: Using language that is too vague to be meaningful.
3. Double Meaning: Using a word or phrase with multiple meanings to mislead.

Other Fallacies
1. Tu Quoque: Dismissing an argument by pointing out a flaw in the person making the argument.
2. Poisoning the Well: Discrediting an argument by making an unfair or misleading attack on the person making the argument.
3. Guilt by Association: Discrediting an argument by associating it with an unpopular or disreputable person or group.
4. Undistributed Middle: Assuming that two things are related because they share a common characteristic.

These logical fallacies can undermine the validity of an argument and are generally not allowed in formal debates.

Danielle Osieck: Kenneth Fersht yes you’re highlighting you’re own faults. Constantly exaggerating the claim of Palestinian human rights as rights that mean the right to murder, rape. Like that is all they are. That dehumanization in the military occupation and the forced removal and mass displacement hasn’t got anything to do with any of this. Is just pro-Israel 100%. You can read your responses above. You have repeatedly claimed that Israel is at no fault whatsoever for every single Palestinian death. You accuse anyone who disagrees as a useful idiot. You can’t acknowledge any human rights violations on Israel’s part and even went so far as to cry conspiracy on the ICC. Using antisemitism as a weapon to block any dialogue. Would you like me to take screen shots of the abusive nature of your replies to people posting about human rights and how quickly you take that to over exaggerated claims that they are somehow a useful idiot and anti-Israel. You’ve done it repeatedly. Jumped to hysterical conclusions because people worry and care about Palestinian suffering straight from reputable aid workers and humanitarian organizations sources. You rage against an imagined antisemitism while supporting inhumane practices. You can’t acknowledge that Israel has any fault. That is the point that you avoid engaging in and instead try and distract with a bunch of historical facts that can only be construed as a defensive ploy to either try and change the topic or maybe worse, try and justify any brutality.

Kenneth Fersht: Danielle Osieck no Danielle. I said they do not have the right to murder. I am in favour, as i’ve said many times, of EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL. Do you understand what the word ALL means? Where this began, let’s go back there lest we forget. I said that the people of gaza are the victims of Hamas, victims of a sick and twisted ideology that embraces and glorifies death and murder and that is EVIDENTLY TRUE. That is not Israel’s or Israelis ideology, it is the ideology of Hamas et al. They make no secret of it, they are PROUD of it, they fucking revel in it. And you did not copy and paste where all of those organization you mention ‘condone’ Oct 7th did you? Oh, I wonder why not. Could it be because none of those organizations did condone Oct 7th? Oh, and please do copy and paste where i ‘condone human rights violations’. Oh you can’t because i didn’t? well, what a surprise that is. And i use historical and present FACTS to support my argument, as is logical and rational because there is a clear pattern of behaviour on the part of Islamic forces through history that tells a story of violence, religious intolerance, protection rackets and extreme violent insanity on the part of Islamists.

Danielle Osieck: Kenneth Fersht “I said they do not have rights to murder”. Cheers for the obvious observation, but you think that the context of that statement means nothing? You think you can deflect by highlighting these crumbs you cling to. You replied as in defense of the Palestinian human rights violations at the hands of Israel. Which you can not bring yourself to admit. Palestinians have indeed suffered both from Hamas and Israel. But alas you can not admit the later. You can only see Hamas at fault (100% in your words) and have no ability to be objective, to even acknowledge what numerous human rights organizations have documented not only in this war but ongoing for years now.
Just like a denialist, when institutions of the like of CDC, WHO, NIH. doesn’t fit your narrative, just ignore and/or claim conspiracy. You know what is actually meant by “human rights” and yet focus on word plays. You meant they didn’t have a right to murder. Lol. So disingenuous.
You can not watch or listen to Palestinian stories or their facts because your invested in your belief and only in the one side of Israel facts. You skip right on into your rabbit hole of history believing it to prove your, and ultimately the Jewish, righteousnous.
It does not. It tells a long story of violence and does not prove that anyone should own a fucking hill or kill for that hill. Or starve a people off that hill. Or terrorize a people or forcibly remove them from their homes. It also doesn’t mean they should be bombed, raped or murdered. Israel deserves to exist but so do Palestinians.
You can’t critique Israel end of story. You keep bringing it back to Hamas but it’s your lack of ability to acknowledge any fault in Israel that is the argument here.
You know someone is full of BS when they talk in absolutes. You know someone isn’t being rational when they can attribute 100% to a “side” . You know someone’s not using critical thought when they attack their friends and call them useful idiots and antisemitic when they express concern for a people greatly suffering because it’s wildly inferred that they must not care about Israel. A false fucking dichotomy.
Now you are trying to argue that all those human rights organizations didn’t come out to condone Oct 7. They absolutely did.
Amnesty International
I’m sure Doctors without Borders hasn’t because they weren’t deployed in that situation.

Kenneth Fersht:

Cut the crap Danielle. 100% none of those women, children, or combatants would have been killed if Hamas and Hezbollah didn’t perpetrate Oct 7th. Therefor it’s all on Hamas. You are being played. AND Hamas fired about 50,000 rockets and suicide bombers at Israel even before that AND their rhetoric and charter both has always been to wipe the state of Israel off the map, to literally genocide Israelis, to ‘annihilate’ them and to ‘drink their blood’, etc etc. AND following Oct 7th, which they fucking live streamed and revelled in while they were actually doing it, the people of Gaza cheered and collaborated AND Hamas announced that they would do it again and again and again. [ Yes, a Hamas official, Ghazi Hamad, has stated that the group will repeat its October 7th massacre of Israelis “again and again” with the goal of bringing about Israel’s “annihilation”. ] How do you expect Israel to react to that? What we are seeing now is Hamas et al’s strategy of ‘asymmetric warfare’. A PR ploy, and a very effective one sadly, tragically, using their own people as cannon fodder, as ‘martyrs’. It is motivated by a deeply seated culturally instilled hatred of Jews which is historically very well evidenced and is, in fact, written in black and white in the Quran and in the Hadiths. So is the concept of ‘martyrdom’ which they PREACH AND BELIEVE will grant them access to a preferred spot in paradise, 117 virgins, etc. One can hear them literally speak it and their actions prove that they believe it, live and die by it. Add to that that Islam and especially Islamists stands AGAINST all of the core values of the civil rights movement, against all of the progress towards more just and egalitarian societies that have been made mainly in the past century in the western secular democracies, against equal rights for women and sexual minorities, against tolerance of and equal right for minority groups as a whole including religious minorities and that mentality is what they import everywhere they go, everywhere they establish their sick and twisted religion. It is what they have always done, it is writ large in history. Add to that that Islam has proven itself to be intellectually stultifying and largely intolerant and violently oppressive of anyone who does not by their special brands of bullshit. Christianity used to be the same way a few hundred years ago and so did Judaism about 3200 years ago. Today however, Islam is BY FAR the most toxic, noxious, repressive and regressive and violent form that religion takes. In the 21st century the vast majority of acts of terrorism are carried out by Islamist groups and YOU are on side with them. They are also attacking free speech and freedom of press in the western secular democracies that opened their door and hearts to them. They are doing so with threat of violence and with actual violence. Charlie Hebdo was not perpetrated by Jews, Jews did not fly planes into the World trade center, Jews are not doing suicide bombings, Jews are not assassinating journalists and cartoonists that make fun of or criticize Judaism. Attacks on Salmon Rushdie, and Flemming rose, two more examples of the fruits of Islamism. Jews did not do that, of course it was Islamist groups behind it. They are all linked and guided and partly funded by the Muslim Brotherhood, a global jihadist group, a group that has called for global ‘intifada’ and some of your ‘friends’ are aligned with that, condone it. You are fools, you don’t see clearly the past and the story that it tells, written in the blood of innocents.

Countries that have listed the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization include:

Bahrain: Declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, citing its alleged threat to national security.
Egypt: Banned the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013, designating it a terrorist organization after the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi, a Brotherhood member.
Russia: Listed the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, citing its alleged ties to extremist groups.
Saudi Arabia: Declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization in 2014, citing its alleged threat to national security and regional stability.
Syria: Listed the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, citing its alleged involvement in the country’s civil war.
United Arab Emirates: Designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization in 2014, citing its alleged ties to extremist groups and threat to national security.

Here is a more comprehensive list of countries where the Muslim Brotherhood is reported to be active:

1. Egypt
2. Libya
3. Tunisia
4. Morocco
5. Algeria
6. Sudan
7. Somalia
8. Chad
9. Nigeria

1. Syria
2. Jordan
3. Palestine (through Hamas)
4. Lebanon
5. Yemen
6. Kuwait
7. Bahrain
8. Turkey
9. Indonesia
10. Malaysia

1. United Kingdom
2. Germany
3. France
4. Italy
5. Netherlands
6. Sweden
7. Denmark
8. Belgium
9. Austria
10. Switzerland

North America
1. Canada
2. United States

Central America
1. Panama
2. Costa Rica
3. Nicaragua

South America
1. Brazil
2. Argentina
3. Uruguay
4. Paraguay
5. Guyana
6. Suriname
7. Trinidad and Tobago
8. Venezuela
9. Colombia
10. Ecuador
11. Chile
12. Peru

This list may not be exhaustive, as the Muslim Brotherhood’s presence can be clandestine or evolving.


1. Council on Foreign Relations
2. BBC News
3. Al Jazeera
4. Brookings Institution
5. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

And historically speaking Islamists do not only target Jews, they also have repeatedly attacked Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and they do not like secularists either. And as they go they destroy all ‘holy’ sites, important archeological sites as they wage ‘jihad’. This is well documented FACT. FACTS are not and cannot be erased or dismissed by the use of such slurs as “Islamophobia”.

Kenneth Fersht: Danielle Osieck You are willfully blind and truly do not understand the bigger picture, will not acknowledge the truth of the situation, and that to peril of YOUR OWN CHILDREN.

Kenneth Fersht:

Danielle Osieck PS,… here is a finer point that you and many others have been missing re the timing of the Oct 7th attacks. Putin’s birthday is Oct 7th. Iran is allied with Russia; Iran gets a lot of it’s weapons of war from Russia. Post 1979, Iranian revolution and the Installation of the Ayatollahs: Iran’s military aircraft, including war planes, fighter jets, and bombers, are primarily from the following sources:

1. Russia and Soviet Union: Iran has purchased or received Russian-made aircraft, such as MiG-29 Fulcrums and Su-24 Fencers.

1. China: Iran has acquired Chinese-made aircraft, including F-7 Airguards (a variant of the MiG-21) and Kowsar-88 (a reverse-engineered F-5 Tiger).

2. Domestic production: Iran has also developed its own domestic aircraft industry, producing planes like the Azarakhsh (a reverse-engineered F-5 Tiger) and the Saeqeh (a modified F-5 Tiger).

The gift to Putin by Iran was to take some of the world’s spotlight off of the Ukraine invasion and diluting NATO resources by making Israel-Palestine the top news story in geo-political events. Happy birthday President Putin says Iran, we’ll take some of the heat off of you in the most horrible way imaginable, by killing lots of Jews.

Putin has been accused of using antisemitic propaganda and disinformation as part of his broader strategy to destabilize democratic societies and the West . Additionally, some Russian officials have been accused of using antisemitic rhetoric, particularly in the context of the conflict in Ukraine.

It’s also worth noting that antisemitism remains a significant problem in Russia, with many incidents of antisemitic violence and harassment reported in recent years .

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck You are willfully blind and truly do not understand the bigger picture, will not acknowledge the truth of the situation, and that to peril of YOUR OWN CHILDREN.

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck PS,… here is a finer point that you and many others have been missing re the timing of the Oct 7th attacks. Putin’s birthday is Oct 7th. Iran is allied with Russia; Iran gets a lot of it’s weapons of war from Russia. Post 1979, Iranian revolution and the Installation of the Ayatollahs: Iran’s military aircraft, including war planes, fighter jets, and bombers, are primarily from the following sources:
1. Russia and Soviet Union: Iran has purchased or received Russian-made aircraft, such as MiG-29 Fulcrums and Su-24 Fencers.
1. China: Iran has acquired Chinese-made aircraft, including F-7 Airguards (a variant of the MiG-21) and Kowsar-88 (a reverse-engineered F-5 Tiger).
2. Domestic production: Iran has also developed its own domestic aircraft industry, producing planes like the Azarakhsh (a reverse-engineered F-5 Tiger) and the Saeqeh (a modified F-5 Tiger).
The gift to Putin by Iran was to take some of the world’s spotlight off of the Ukraine invasion and diluting NATO resources by making Israel-Palestine the top news story in geo-political events. Happy birthday President Putin says Iran, we’ll take some of the heat off of you in the most horrible way imaginable, by killing lots of Jews.
Putin has been accused of using antisemitic propaganda and disinformation as part of his broader strategy to destabilize democratic societies and the West . Additionally, some Russian officials have been accused of using antisemitic rhetoric, particularly in the context of the conflict in Ukraine.
It’s also worth noting that antisemitism remains a significant problem in Russia, with many incidents of antisemitic violence and harassment reported in recent years .

Danielle Osieck

Kenneth Fersht it sounds like you’re too far gone. Unhinged. MY KIDS ARE IN PERIL from Islam?They’re more at risk of misinformation and the USA oligarchy right now but fascinating what obsession and emotions can twist into conspiracy. Good luck. Your fallacious reasoning that because of Oct 7, everything after, including any human rights violation or war crime is exempt of Israel’s responsibility is the glaring problem. Nevermind the military occupation and forced relocation of Palestine before Oct 7. You are delusional in believing a grand scheme is at hand and therefore imagine it to justify abhorrent behavior. Good work there with that intellectual gymnastics.I can’t help but see the irony of how you rail against anti science but find yourself so far down a hole of self deception and continue to try and argue antisemitism as justification for crimes against humanity. You have your “side”, your absolute, your own fanatic beliefs and be damned anyone who looks into the grey area between.

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck When i reference your kids, I mean 20 years from now, maybe 30. Islamism is a REAL issue, right now, however in a lot of countries, the UK, France, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Indonesia, and far worse in Nigeria, Sudan, Yemen, Chad, Mali, it’s a long list. . Look at what is happening there. Do your homework. People are fed up with the Allahu Akbar shit, the threats and violence, the kidnappings, murders and rapes and in Europe and UK especially the militant and persistent call for sharia. Fuck that i say. Instead i advocate for equal rights in the law for ALL, as mentioned and Islam features none of that.

Danielle Osieck

Kenneth Fersht right. But you can’t seem to follow the thread. How is the threat of Islam ism (and the threat of fascism and the threat of climate change and the threat of economic collapse etc etc) relevant to whether Israel is guilty of war crimes or responsible for the human rights violations? You have claimed that because Oct 7 occurred none of this would have happened otherwise, therefore 100% fault lies with Hamas. Am I correct? If you can’t see this flaw in logic then you are really deceiving yourself. You can’t seem to grasp that tactics of war are choices and thus the ones that contravene established boundaries of human rights are indeed a choice made by those enacting them. I don’t understand how you can straight faced argue a carte blanche.
I keep getting excuses over and over.
First you quibble at words like “ALL” or right to murder etc.
Then you argue history
Now you argue a “big picture” threat
But none of this actually addresses the claim that Israel is devoid of responsibility when murdering innocent women, men and children. For using tactics like starving out an entire people etc. I have shown that humanitarian organizations have condoned both Hamas and Israel. But you keep ignoring Israel’s part. This is fanatical. Fed up with Allahu Akbar? Let’s commit genocide on the people of Palestine? Are you really trying to argue that ethnic cleansing is ok if it means that Islamic threats will be subdued (which they won’t). I hear your concerns for Islamic violence and yet I can’t seem to get you to see that being fed up and wanting peace isn’t a justification for the slaughter of Palestine. You can’t twist it and say it’s Hamas when it’s Israel pulling the trigger. Nor can you ignore the situation prior to Oct. 7 when Palestinians have been forced from their homes and dehumanized. Physically and mentally abused by soldiers constantly. I wonder if they feel “fed up” by the manifest destiny of Israel?
Watch the documentary and get back to me. I am curious if you can remain objective.

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck Isreal is the victim of war crimes. You like to claim genocide. Israel has not been found guilty of genocide however. What is the population of Gaza from 2020 to 2025, for example. It’s gone up, not down. That’s not genocide. Learn what the word means, learn what ‘ethnic cleansing’ really means. The Jews and Christians of the middle east have experienced ethnic cleansing in all Arab Muslim countries in the area and Israel is determined to not let it happen to them again. You are just falling into a narrative where Israel are the bad guys and you can’t climb out of that hole. In reality Israel is doing what it needs to do to mitigate and hopefully defeat persistent threat, i.e. Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Israel has a long history of standing up for itself, even in the face of overwhelming odds against, against murderous rhetoric and armed forces. Hamas is toast, finale. Hezbollah is toast. Iranians will hopefully be free from the yoke of backwards ass tyranny also. Islam is in need of a reformation and a serious evolution, a paradigm shift away from the culture of war and hate that they have been fermenting for centuries. They started a war, they kidnapped civilians, they raped, they murdered, the mutilated; there must be and will be consequences. As i said, it;s not just Israel, it’s 29 different countries RIGHT NOW, not even counting their terroristic and other crimes in the western secular democracies, their erosion of equal right, their erosion of peace and security. If you don’t care for the well being of your own children if Islam meets it’s longer term goals or think it’s funny to even talk about, think of the hundreds of school girls kidnapped, raped, enslaved in Nigeria by Boko Haram. Think about the Jizidi women who watched their families be slaughtered in front of them and were captured into slavery. Is that funny? I don’t fucking think so and all of those maniac are playing out of the same play book which is why their MO is always so similar; i.e. kill, murder, rape, capture, enslave, cow, control, exploit. How do you think Hamas leaders became billionaires? By exploiting palestinians, by diverting aid, by charging tunnel fees by taking in Gaza and the west bank and selling it, as well as the protection rackets and forms of extortion and drug running that are the hallmark of organized crime every where. You want to talk about human rights violations? Where were you when Boko Haram, ISIS, Taliban etc were stripping women of even the most basic rights and dignity? Where? UN-AWARE, that’s where. And unaware you remain, unable to see things for what they really are, you are an easy dupe, a pawn in Hamas et al’s foul game.

Kenneth Fersht

and by the way, as you probably know, i stress the word ALL to mean that that includes women and sexual minorities as well as religious minorities AND that includes Muslims. And those equal rights do not include the right to genocide Israel, their stated goal which they have been both homicidal and suicidal in attempting, once again.

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck and Yes, Danielle, if you want to steel man me on the fact that if Hamas had not pulled Oct 7th, this would not be happening and that all of the deaths in Gaza are therefore the responsibility Hamas and that they actually planned for and WANTED those deaths to occur, as evidenced by their blatant indoctrination of their youth and their whole people into a culture that glorifies martyrdom and death. You yourself are proof that their strategy of asymmetric warfare has been largely successful in that sense. I see through it, however, i see that it is 100% a PR strategy, and part charade also. It’s a macabre theatre they are staging for the world’s consumption. Just some of us know better and see it for what it really is.

Kenneth Fersht

and one more thing Danielle, the history is EVIDENCE which shows a long standing pattern of behaviour on the part of Islamic forces. I present FACTS and EVIDENCE to support my case. You just are too dense to get that apparently.

Danielle Osieck

Kenneth Fersht are you for real? Just because Israel is a victim does not mean it can’t perpetrate. You’re right Israel hasn’t been found guilty it has been accused by reputable institutions. Here is Amnesty International’s report on Genocide.
“Israel’s actions following Hamas’s deadly attacks on 7 October 2023 have brought Gaza’s population to the brink of collapse. Its brutal military offensive had killed more than 42,000 Palestinians, including over 13,300 children, and injured over 97,000 more, by 7 October 2024, many of them in direct or deliberately indiscriminate attacks, often wiping out entire multigenerational families.”
And cue your deflection into “but but you didn’t complain about Taliban etc.” Like that’s a valid argument! Pathetic
Deflect to Hamas but skirt the responsibility of Israel.
The atrocities of Hamas DO NOT counter the responsibility of Israel. Your false dichotomies are tiresome.

Danielle Osieck

Kenneth Fersht lol. History equals grounds for genocide. You’re acting like a denialist, a fanatic and zealot. Evidence that human rights violations are being perpetrate by Israel. Your EVIDENCE and FACTS are non-sequitur fallicies

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck there is no genocide, it’s just a narrative you have bought into. Stop it. The population of Gaza has gone UP, not down and that is not genocide. The genocide of the citizens of Israel is what Hamas et al have in mind, however, they are failing in their objective AGAIN. I state the history because it shows a pattern of behaviour. That is what psychologists do and that is what criminologists do, they identify a pattern of behaviour. Did you actually watch some episodes of a popular children’s TV show in Gaza and elsewhere in the Arab world, Tomorrow’s Pioneers? If you are not aware of it then you are not aware of the Palestinian mindset, not aware of their absolute insanity, of the hatred and prejudice they are steeped in. THAT is at the root of the issue and that attitude is not isolated to Gaza, it is and has been the prevailing world view and attitude of Muslim populations all through history. That is why i say that the people of Gaza etc are victims of Hamas, victims of Islamist ideology, they are victims of their OWN irrational HATRED. They are victims of a death cult of their own design or that has been designed for them in the 7th century. Read the Quran, read the Hadiths, it’s all in there and that is why this KEEPS ON HAPPENING. They are trapped in a lose/lose ideology and unable or too fearful to think their way out of that box of cultural paradigm. Just as you are unable to think your way out of it, confirmation bias you discard all of the evidence i have worked hard to present to you. it grows tiresome to say the least. Educate yourself. Over and out.

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck i did not say that history is a grounds for genocide. That is just another bullshit strawman strategy of yours. Study history Danielle. There are patterns of behaviour repeating themselves ad nauseum. Why do you think psychologists and criminologists look for patterns of behaviour and MO? You are getting more annoying as we go along. Either you are dense or your are purposely missing the point because it does not fit your ‘genocide’ narrative. The population of Gaza is going up, not down. Study the Holocaust, the event that inspired to coining of the word genocide and then have a look at the Assyrian, Greek and Armenian genocides. If you don’t know about that you don’t know anything important about the issue we are discussing. You think history is unimportant or irrelevant, you could not be more wrong.

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck they are acting like sub humans also so they have good reason to feel that way. October 7th. They did that, they recorded it and broadcast it, inhuman acts of violence, inexcusable and retribution will be had. As they say, they are in the ‘find out’ phase of fuck around and find out. Amnesty has been infiltrated by Islamists, same with the UN. And those are just appeals to authority, they are not evidence of genocide on the part of Israel. One thing we do know for certain, because it has long been in their rhetoric and that is that Hamas’ goal is, in fact, the total destruction of Israel and all of her citizens, most especially the Jews of Israel. It is you who appear to be unable to follow threads or conveniently let them go when it suits your narrative to do so.

Kenneth Fersht

Danielle Osieck Having reviewed your last statement “You’re acting like a denialist, a fanatic and a zealot”. You are FUCKED Danielle. You are GASLIGHTING. I am not the fanatic, denialist or zealot. That is ridiculous. I’m NOT going to allow you to gaslight me. Hamas are denialist, fanatics and zealots. All Islamists ARE that and Hamas is of that ilk for sure. Far from being a fanatic; i follow NO pre-set system of beliefs, I am a rational sceptic and a critical thinker, a free thinker. Islamists are slaves to Allah, they say so themselves and you are unwitting dupe, their helper, their enabler. I will not forgive you for it at this point AND this conversation WILL be preserved for posterity so that everyone can see what you have said and how you operate. Hamas perpetrated Oct 7th. Fact. When you rape, murder, terrorize you LOOSE your rights, you forfeit them and have no one to blame but yourself. That’s what happens to criminals, they are incarcerated and loose their rights to freedom and this is for the protection of society. Israel is just protecting itself from the real zealots, the fucking religious fanatic lunatics. Why you feel compelled to help Hamas et al, to your own detriment as a free woman and that of your children, to attempt to justify and condone Oct 7th and their many previous war crimes, crimes against humanity of Islamist terrorists is absolutely whack and i can’t even imagine WHY or how you can be such a blind fool. Goodby Danielle, this conversation is over. And time will tell who was correct, who was making valid, logical, rational reasonable points backed up by evidence and who was GASLIGHTING and your children will be able to read it when they grow up and see what a pathetically confused fool their mother was because it is going to become a permalink in the digital archeology of the year 2025.