“Anna Hughes They got their point across to a very limited audience only if their goal was to point out how ill informed and abjectly ignorant/naive they are in terms of understanding what is happening right now in the middle east and elsewhere re the noxious and unjust rise of anti-semitism and Islamism which go hand in hand. Jews are at war in one country, Israel. Islamists are at war in 27 different countries right now and that’s not counting their terrorist attacks aimed at chilling free speech in liberal secular democracies around the world. There is no Islamic country in the world that has a decent record of human rights, women’s rights, equal rights and freedoms for all in the law. Supporting a terrorist organization like Hamas is not only idiotic, it’s immoral and also illegal in Canada. So our graffiti artist anounces their racism and idiocy to salt spring Island, big deal, so what, they can frack off, grow up, try to grow a brain and stop being a useful idiot for Islamist forces. Islamist forces such as Hamas and Hezbollah who would if they could subjugate all non-muslims, force women to either be sex slaves or into a 7th century dress code for dessert life among other things, murder all homosexuals after shaming and brutalizing them first, run a protection scam on all non-muslims (jizya), install a religious theocracy to replace our liberal secular democracy and of course ‘cleanse’ the earth of all Jews, be they Israeli or other. A self righteous moron is responsible for that graffiti.”
Misty Dee Dubs: “Kenneth Fersht this is so full of Islamophobic anti-Arabic messaging it’s embarrassing. One may point out that religious zealots exist in every religion. All the things you listed are literally about to go down in the whitest of white countries south of our border by right wing Christian zealots. Does what’s happening in the US define Christianity? Do religious zealots now define all their religions or in your mind is it only the Arabs that are? Your information is full of right wing talking points that have been used on westerners to justify every war in the Middle East where we have killed millions and millions of innocent people. The reality is that we just want their oil. We want to control the area because having a non-western based society controlling the worlds oil rich region would spell disaster for the western capitalist agenda. Your fear-mongering rhetoric has no place in a society that has full unfettered access to the truth behind the lies we’ve all been spoon fed for decades. “
Let’s pick this argument apart point by point:
Misty Dee Dubs said: “this is so full of Islamophobic anti-Arabic messaging it’s embarrassing”.
Kenneth Fersht’s response: Calling me ‘Islamophobic” is an ad hominem attack. Those are not allowed in debate, they are considered to be a logical fallacy. Nice try but no cigar. It’s also factually incorrect; a ‘phobia’ is an irrational fear. My argument is both rational and factually correct. Our concerns regarding the rise of Islamic militant terrorist groups is well founded and completely rational, well reasoned and based upon demonstrable and well documented historical/geo-political facts.
Misty Dee Dubs said: “One may point out that religious zealots exist in every religion.”
Kenneth Fersht’s response: True, one may point that out and as a student of comparative religion i have pointed out many times in the past that ALL religions are based upon demonstrably and evidently false precepts. They are all fabrications, projections of the human psyche upon the vast and largely mysterious canvas of the universe. They seek (and fail) to make sense of it all. However this is a DEFLECTION from the issue at hand, i.e. Israel/Palestine. If this were a few hundred years ago i would be railing against the cruelty and injustice of the inquisitions and the rape and pillage of the ‘new world’ by religious fanatics of the Catholic bent. However, here we are in the 21st century when most of what was once referred to as ‘christendom’ has largely evolved into the secular liberal democracies of the present which all feature equal rights and freedoms for ALL, free speech and a free press, separation of church and state, all fundamental pillars of a modern secular liberal democracy. It is not Quakers or Buddhists or Taoists or orthodox jews of cargo cultists blowing up people and things all over the place, raping torturing and kidnapping victims or depriving women and sexual minorities of basic human rights and freedoms. That is almost exclusively the domain of Islamist forces and Islamic theocratic regimes responsible for terrorist attacks all over the world and/or waging wars and committing heinous war crimes in 27 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES RIGHT NOW (most of which have no jews or ‘zionists’ to speak of. It is Islamist groups such as ISIS, Al Qaida, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, Hamas, et all. The FACT of that is what makes my assertions not a ‘phobia’ but a very real and well justified and substantiated concern.
My ‘phobia’ if you want to call it that is not against Islam or Muslims, it is against murder, rape, torture, the often violent oppressive and regressive theocracies. Muslims are, in fact, the primary victims of Islam, as we can see from observing what has happened in Syria and various other countries such as Yemen where one sect or political division of Islam has been at the throats of other sects and/or political camps for many years. Centuries in fact, ever since the inception/invention of Islam in the 7th century. It’s about power, control and domination by force. It’s always been about that.
Misty said: All the things you listed are literally about to go down in the whitest of white countries south of our border by right wing Christian zealots. Does what’s happening in the US define Christianity? Do religious zealots now define all their religions or in your mind is it only the Arabs that are?
Kenneth’s response: I am greatly concerned about Christian involvement and idiocy south of the border and elsewhere, parts of Africa, for example, where they are still burning witches, but that is not the issue we are discussing, those who are familiar with my writings on the topic realize this. Interesting that you call the USA, ‘whitest of white’. have you not travelled there? the USA is extremely multi-cultural and all have equal rights and freedoms guaranteed by law. These rights and freedoms were hard fought and won by the civil rights movement only in the past century so we should not be too smug about this fact and we can see that the laws are not evenly applied. There is a two tier justice system that is stacked against the economically disadvantaged.
Misty said: “Your information is full of right wing talking points that have been used on westerners to justify every war in the Middle East where we have killed millions and millions of innocent people. “
Kenneth’s response: I do not look at issues from a left or right perspective, but only what is true and what is false, what is reasonable, rational, compassionate and workable based upon the best available verifiable information from a wide array of sources and viewed through a lens of compassion and understanding. I take an academic and scientific approach to research. I am not ‘right wing’ and, in fact, tend to vote green or NDP, both of which are seen as left of centre so your characterization is wholly inaccurate and really a projection of your own partisanship upon me. It also does not make a single salient point, it’s ad hominem, a logical fallacy once again and does not jibe with the reality of who i am, what i say and what i do. Speaking of innocent people, where was your protest re the rape, torture, kidnappings and forced conversion of Yazidi women in Iraq and Syria? Nowhere, not enough Jews invovled for it to interest you or the others. Same with Yemen and Sudan and Nigeria etc? Where the fuck were you Misty? In grade school at the time playing hop scotch in a prosperous and relatively egalitarian country not too badly infected with the mind virus of religion taking all of your rights, hard won by people like me, i.e. civil rights and environmental rights activists, for granted? Your indignation is rather selective and myopic isn’t it.
Misty said: “The reality is that we just want their oil. We want to control the area because having a non-western based society controlling the worlds oil rich region would spell disaster for the western capitalist agenda. Your fear-mongering rhetoric has no place in a society that has full unfettered access to the truth behind the lies we’ve all been spoon fed for decades.”
Kenneth’s response: I don’t care about ‘oil’. I care about people, about their well being, safety and security and prosperity, equal rights and justice, and that is what i want for ALL, including Muslims, Arabs, whoever, wherever. Israel is the one part of the middle east WITHOUT appreciable oil reserves and it is the one modern secular democracy in the middle east. It is the one country in the middle east where Jews have their own military to protect them from the rampant murderous and vile and irrational anti-jewish sentiment that has plagued them for years, culminating in the holocaust. That is why Israel exists, so that the Jews can protect themselves from the hatred and prejudice that has been the bane of their existence for centuries. Hamas has called, in writing for the “annihilation” of the state of Israel and the murder and expulsion of every Jew there. They (Islamist forces) have repeatedly tried to execute this plan with violent actions in the past. They have failed only because of the bravery, determination and intelligence of Israeli forces. YOU, misty, are nothing but a useful idiot for the cause of Islamism, an unwitting tool of the Muslim Brotherhood, et al, the oppressive and regressive, violent and hate filled, coercive ideology from which Hamas and Hezbollah originated, namely “Islamism”. Please learn the distinction between the word Islam and Islamism if we are to continue this dialog we need to define terms and have a shared vocabulary. They (Palestinians via Hamas et al) have indoctrinated their children to dream of the glory of killing jews, their popular children’s show, Tomorrow’s Pioneers, for example, the UNRWA run schools another example… the glory of being martyred for the cause of murdering Jews, where ever they may be, not just in Israel. This is rooted in their scriptures, in their teachings, in the Quran and in the Hadiths and is widely propagated by their imams and in their propaganda. The root of this evil/idiocy is in widely held religious delusion breeding and incubating hatred, terrorism, intolerance in the extreme. This intolerance is not just aimed at Jews, by the way, though for sure Jews are their fav scapegoat. It is also aimed at women, sexual minorities, religious minorities, ‘apostates’ and ‘infidels’, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, zoroastrians, Druze, Kurds, etc etc. It’s sick, it’s twisted, it is perverse, it’s dangerous and must be stopped. Islam needs a reformation and an evolution on a massive scale. I personally have never killed anyone, by the way, and have long advocated banning bombs, ALL bombs and making the use of them an automatic war crime. Hard core Islamists, by the way, ban music and dance even, unless it specifically sings the praises of Allah, their imaginary sky daddy.
Now you can either learn and grow, incorporate new information into your pathetically myopic and naive world view or you can fuck off, your choice.
My mantra is “i am not responsible for what stupid people think”
sincerely, Kenneth Fersht
Brad Atchison:
This stuff going on in our democracies and which has infected and is metastasizing in our Canadian communities under the guise of pro-“Palestinian” protests has almost nothing to do with Gaza and almost everything to do with Jew-hatred (primarily by Islamist Muslim Arabs from the Middle East and North Africa and Islamist Iranians, who are inculcated in cradle-to-grave anti-semitism (through routine political utterings, fanatical imam mosque rantings, hateful media, school curricula, and UN/UNRWA-sponsored “refugee” camps”) and who cannot countenance the presence EVER of Jews and a Jewish state in the Middle East.
The long-term strategic aim of the “Palestinian” Movement has always been the eventual elimination of the state of Israel….For that reason, a two-state solution will never work and Israel has to now look realistically at absorbing Gaza and Judea-Sumeria (part of the original ancestral Jewish homeland (PR-packaged as the so-called “West Bank”). Ideally, Gaza should be absorbed by Egypt and Judea-Sumaria by either Israel or Jordan but Egypt and Jordan want nothing to do wth “Palestinians” (for many good reasons!) “Palestinians” are merely Arabs and this label is a relatively recent historical artifact. They never lived throughout history in that part of the world in anything approximating a “nation”, unlike the Jews!
Most of these anti-semitic Arabs and Iranians (which are not all of them but still account far too many) are allowed into Canada (which doesn’t vet for anti-semitism) as “refugees”, immigrants, or on student visas (a real loophole). Unfortunately, with the best of intentions, the willing and unwitting dupes (dopes?) supporting the pro-“Palestinians” alone (as they ignore other equally-worthy plights such anti-Jewish violence and threats, the Ughars, Yemenese, etc., etc., etc.) are ENABLING these pro-violence and violent anti-semites and the gliobal spread of this most virulent, 2-plus millenia form of racism, anti-semitism.
I wonder how the racist assholes (likely a gropup to get the job done as quickly as possible and who are now hiding among you! It would be great to ferret them out and ID them!) who graffitied the SSI road would feel if their house or car had been was graffitied. They can keep their hatred to themselves. Obviously, they know nothing about the casualties of war, especially when committed by an invading group of barbaric terrorists and their so-called “civilian” supporters in Gaza. So-called “Palestinian freedom (freeDUMB?) fighters” have murdered Jews (i.e., non-Israelis) over the decades in various democratic countries besides Israel.
Rabid pro-violence, anti-semitic hatemonger, Hamas supporter, and domestic terrorist, Charlotte Kates, and her husband Khaled Barakat, both welfare free-loaders, had their house raided and searched today in East Vancouver. These two and others like them are behind much of the anti-Jewish protests, threats, and actions in this region.
At this tenuous moment in history, try walking in the shoes of and having the backs of our Jewish neighbours, huh? Can some of you actually do that!? Have any of you bothered to broach this subject by asking a Jewish neighbour or acquaintance how he/she feels now?
As for this community graffiti act, there should be some accountability or they will get even more emboldened! If they weren’t such cowards acting under the cover of darkness, they would identify themselves!
This graffiti incident is far bigger than a simple act of vandalism. So far, our policing agencies, prosecutors, and intelligence agencies have been largely asleep at the switch regarding veiled or overt hate crimes.